5k Fire Safety
On October 6th 2021, eight FFA members went to the Denmark Early Childhood Center for a fire lesson. Due to COVID-19 we were unable to have a face to face attendance with the 5K classes, until they were outside in the parking lot to see the fire truck and all of the equipment it holds. The Denmark Volunteer Fire Department was gracious enough to bring the truck to the ECC, which allowed the kids to have remote and accessible learning. To prepare for the event, we set up little sets of coloring books, crayons, and a book for a fun safety read along for the kindergartners. Enabling a wide variety of fun and interactive activities for a day of safety lessons. Additionally two FFA officers made a quick and informative video to watch and learn some new safety routines, such as how to stop drop and roll. In all the 5K Fire Safety day was filled with enjoyment and knowledge being passed along.
After School Ag Program & After School Ag: Online
Each month, several Denmark FFA members go to the ECC to teach students in the Before and After School Care Program more about where their food comes from, how it is made, and about other agricultural commodities. For the 2019-2020 school year, FFA members have held two events already, in September, October, November, December, and January. The age group switches every month between the first through fifth grade students and the 4K/5K students. In September, the topic was honey and honey bees, students watched a video about honey bees and were able to try both raw and processed honey. Did you know pumpkins aren’t just for Halloween? The first through fifth grade students learned this in October as they measured and weighed pumpkins, learned the main parts of a pumpkin, learned what products were whole or processed, and they even got to make pumpkin pie in a bag! In November, 4K and 5K students learned about the responsibilities of a farmer and agriculturists. Denmark’s newest scientists were formed from December’s After School Ag as students in grades one through five learned about food science and went through a few experiments. In January the 4K/5K group learned about hamburgers and how they fit on the MyPlate diagram with daily nutritional needs. As of March 2020, After School Ag has been moved online until it is safe to host this event in person so we can continue our community reach through agriculture education. All "After School Ag: Online" videos will be posted to our YouTube channel, Facebook page, and Instagram account (IGTV Video) for you to watch!
5th Grade Dairy Day
This past year, Denmark fifth grade students participated in an event with Alice In Dairyland, Wisconsin's Agricultural Ambassador. The goal of this activity was for the kids to learn more about a very important Wisconsin industry, the dairy industry. For this event, all fifth grade students virtually met with Alice In Dairyland and she taught them about the importance of Wisconsin's dairy industry! Each student received a goodie bag with dairy facts and fun activities for them to do.
Parliamentary Procedure WorkshopOn November 18th, seven ffa members attended the UWRF virtual parliamentary procedure workshop. Starting off the session, members from all over Wisconsin gathered at the virtual meeting to watch a video demonstration put on by several UWRF students. Participants were then split into three different breakout groups: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. In each breakout room, students learned new skills based on prior knowledge, got clarification on motions, and ran through a mock parli pro competition. The UWRF judges provided feedback and suggestions on debates and the overall flow of the competition. This workshop was very beneficial and helped students gain skills needed for competing.
Drive Thru Dairy!On June 24th, 2021, members of the Denmark FFA handed out 200 cooler bags to different community members. The bags consisted of different dairy products such as sour cream, butter, and a variety of cheese. Community members drove through the Our Savior’s Lutheran Church parking lot and members handed them a bag as they passed through. The Denmark FFA would like to thank Maple Valley Mutual Insurance for the donation of the cooler bags filled with various dairy products.
This summer, members of Denmark FFA and Alumni, traveled to Ireland. Click HERE to see the video made with pictures from their trip.
Farm Forum 2020Wisconsin Rapids, WI— Four eleventh-grade members attended the FFA Farm Forum Conference held February 21-22, 2020. FFA Farm Forum is sponsored by the Wisconsin Farm Bureau for approximately 200 high school juniors and helps Wisconsin's youth with learning and leadership focused around agriculture.
The Denmark FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. To accomplish its mission, FFA: Develops competent and assertive agricultural leadership.